Corona pandemic precautions at Nielsen Knowhow
To avoid the risk of spreading the virus as much as possible, Nielsen Knowhow will from today adhere to following guidelines according to customer contact:
- Exchange of parts to/from repair will be done at the outside area in front of workshop
- Visits and personal contact in private homes or companies will be avoided as much as possible
- Parts received for repair will be decontaminated using alcohol or other suitable agent
- All tasks/support possible will be done either by phone or remote-control/remote support
We need to keep the wheels running, especially digital systems which are crucial in maintaining communication and contact between humans when direct contact has to be avoided as much as possible.
Calls will be answered, ongoing tasks and jobs continued and new jobs/tasks assigned as necessary.
I wish everybody a safe passage through the upcoming period.
Nielsen Knowhow supports AED installation in Rørby and Kærby
Back in spring 2017 I was contacted by "Kunsten at redde liv" (The Art Of Saving Lives) and asked if I would support the installation of an AED (Automated Electric Defibrillator) at the local grocer with a donation.
I liked the idea and it quickly showed up that many other companies in the area had the same way of thinking - So much was donated that installation of 2 devices became possible.
I am very proud of beeing able to support such activities in my local area!
Location of the AED devices in Denmark can be found at, the one in Rørby and the one in Kærby.
The AED at Rørby Lokalbrugsen
No older news available - Thank you for reading - Have a nice day!